Discovering a rat or mouse infestation is a nightmare for any homeowner. When you hear mysterious noises or detect unexplained smells, it’s easy to become anxious about the possibility of unwanted rodents. This guide outlines key indicators to help you determine whether you have a rodent problem in your house. If the situation has escalated, consider contacting Phoenix rodent control professionals for assistance.

Rodents Leave Behind Odors

Unpleasant new smells in your home can be a strong indicator of rodent presence. Rodent infestations, particularly larger ones, often come with a musty, stale odor. Both rat and mouse urine have a distinct and potent smell, and their feces are no different.

Look for Teeth Marks

Unlike human teeth, rodents’ teeth never stop growing. Constant chewing is necessary for mice and rats to maintain their incisors and strengthen their jaws. Check for signs of gnawing or chewing on walls, baseboards, and packaged foods. Rodents also use their teeth to create and expand burrows, tunnels, and holes to move around more easily.

Rodents Construct Nests

Rodent nests, typically found in hidden locations, have distinct characteristics that make them relatively easy to identify. Both rats and mice prefer to nest in quiet, undisturbed areas where they use shredded paper, cardboard, plant debris, fabric scraps, or compacted stuffing to build their nests. Rats may nest under your home’s foundation or in the attic, so be sure to search these areas thoroughly.

You May Hear Rodent Sounds

If you’ve been disturbed by noises such as squeaking, scampering, or scratching, it’s likely that you have some nocturnal rodents around. Rats and mice are most active at night when they search for food, and you may even hear rustling sounds from inside your walls.

Your Pets May Alert You to Rodents

If your pets are barking at seemingly nothing, pawing at appliances, or pacing around the house, they may have detected something you haven’t. Pets have excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell, and they might be fixated on a spot where they sense rodents hiding, such as behind the refrigerator or within the walls. If you also notice that your pet food is disappearing, it’s another sign that you may have rodent intruders.

They Leave Droppings Behind

This may require an unpleasant investigation on your part. Rodent droppings are usually found near areas where they forage, such as the pantry or trash, and resemble small clusters of black or dark brown grains. Rat droppings are typically the size of an olive pit, with rounded ends, while mouse droppings are between ⅛ to ¼ inches long with pointed ends. Fresh droppings, a sign of recent rodent activity, will appear shinier and slightly lighter in color.

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